I love getting to know fellow bloggers and this tag/award is the perfect way of doing that. I'd just like to say thank you so much to Victoria from Victoria-Jane Fashion/Beauty for nominating me, I'm honoured to just be noticed considering I've only been blogging 4 days haha!!
The rules are:
-You must display the award logo at the top of the post
-You must thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog in your post
-You must add this set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do
-You must add 7 facts about yourself into the post
-You must nominate 10 other blogs and leave links to each of them in your post
-You must let the people who you have nominated know that they've been nominated
-You must follow back the person who nominated you on BLOGLOVIN
-You must display the award logo at the top of the post
-You must thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog in your post
-You must add this set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do
-You must add 7 facts about yourself into the post
-You must nominate 10 other blogs and leave links to each of them in your post
-You must let the people who you have nominated know that they've been nominated
-You must follow back the person who nominated you on BLOGLOVIN
7 Facts About Me :)
1) I am a musical gal - I sing, play piano and a bit of guitar plus I am a proud member of West Sussex County Youth Choir and a local theatre company called HAODS who puts on two performances a year.
2) When I'm older I would like to be either a psychologist or paramedic however I'm always changing my mind so I like to take things as they come and am always open to new ideas.
3) I am currently doing A Levels - I study Psychology, Biology, Music Technology and Maths Statistics.
4) I literally have the loudest laugh BUT IDC, BE HAPPY GUYS :D
5) Thanks to one of my best friends I am now officially a rollercoaster junkie and thrill seeker.
6) The longest I've ever grown my hair is down to just below my butt.
7) I was born yellow like someone out of The Simpsons (Y) Thank god it turned into the tanned skin I have today!!
I nominate:
I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about the person behind these posts and I look forward to finding out more about you guys :)
- 09:08